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How to become a professional musician

How to Start Becoming a Professional Musician

Sometimes, people spend their entire lives trying to follow their dream only to find that it never amounted to what they had hoped. Other times, people end up getting lucky and are surprised by how quickly their career forms. Regardless of how quickly your career begins to take off, you will need to work harder than ever to maintain your success, build your skills, and improve your talents every single day.

How to get signed to a record label

Things to Avoid When Trying To Get Signed to a Record Label

If you are passionate about pursuing a career in music, perhaps you have considered signing to a record label. Having a record deal does not mean instantaneous success. While some record deals could hurt your career’s future, others can help take you to the next level.

James Blake – The Colour In Anything Album Review

ALBUM REVIEW: James Blake – The Colour In Anything

James Blake’s surprise album ‘The Colour In Anything’ is yet another triumph from the Enfield producer that, just like ‘Overgrown’ before it, surely will be the answer to fashion brand, All Saints’ summer playlist troubles.

Be a confident musician on stage. Conquer your stage fright!

Steps to Becoming an Entertaining Musician on Stage

Stage presence is an extremely important aspect of being a successful musician. Even if the music you create is phenomenal, you want to be able to connect with your fans. Perform your music in a way that compliments your unique sound and style. Here are some tips on how to improve your stage performance, gain a better stage presence, and become more entertaining on stage.

When should you part with a band member?

Signs You Should Part with a Band Member

Most bands have the same intention: to make amazing amazing. While some bands are compromised of close friends that are equally passionate about music, other bands are formed by a manager hand selecting various talent. If you are already in a band and one of your members is not carrying their weight, it may be time to remove them from the group.

Social media for musicians

Social Media Best Practices for Musicians

These days, social media is one of the most important aspects of modern marketing yet many musicians lack all important social media strategy and marketing knowledge. This guide provides useful tips to help grow your audience and fanbase with social media.

Why all guitarists should take care of their pedalboard

Pedalboards - Why All Guitarists Should Care

I’m sure I’m not the only one who goes to see a band or hears a song and obsesses over how on Earth the guitarist managed to create that insane tone, or with just one chord sent my mind flying into a whole other dimension. As a guitar player, pedalboards are beautiful things. That colourful collection of little metal boxes at your feet can be a gateway to a new sound that is synonymous with you and only you… If you do it right.

Tips for your first music tour

Guide to Touring for DIY Musicians and Bands - Part 2

Being a small and emerging artist often necessitates doing things 'on a budget', so make sure you have at least a rough plan on how you will allocate your money. But when doing so, it's important to make realistic assessments; there's nothing worse than running out of money and having to busk your way out of the poverty line. Setting a budget for touring can be invariably difficult, with many unanticipated expenses cropping up along the way...

Miles Davis - a Master of Improvisation

The Art of Improvisation

Improvisation can be a brilliant idea which frees the mind and, in the case of music, allows you to hear and enjoy the sounds for the very first time - just like the audience. To me it feels like a more instant and raw expression, the kind of organic process my hippie wanker soul craves. It's the way a lot of songs are written too. It crunches the rigid boundaries set by square killjoys who love a rule book of verse, chorus, verse...

The 1975 - I Like It When You Sleep... Album Review

ALBUM REVIEW: The 1975 - I Like It When You Sleep...

The 1975 have at last dropped their new album with a name so long it would just about qualify as a Fall Out Boy song title.I congratulate anyone who can name it word for word without checking.The synth pop rockers’ frontman Matt Healy welcomes you into a deep deconstruction of his faults, issues and longing just to be loved by that person who really matters most.